Recorded at RAN Band Studios, Waterloo 1996
The Royal Australian Navy band deploys throughout Australia and internationally in support of naval ceremonial, musical and public relations interests. Its musicians are highly skilled and versatile, able to perform traditional ceremonial and concert music, jazz, pop, swing, classical and vocal harmonies. The band is one of the few platforms in which the Navy can take its message to the people of Australia. Its musicians promote awareness in the wider community of Navy's critical contribution to the nation.
The music on this compact disc represents some of the band's capabilities outside of its ceremonial and wind orchestra roles. The band's seven detachments are represented on this album. "Taken from the cover notes" by Lt CDR Phil Anderson RAN.

The band comprises seven detachments positioned around Australia. Two detachments of full-time musician's are stationed at the naval establishments, HMAS Kuttabul, Potts point and HMAS Cerberus, Wesren Port. Five reserve detachments are stationed in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth.
The band incorporates a fleet of ensembles to assist in fulfilling its mission to promote the Royal Australian Navy. All members of the band perform in the ceremonial ensemble of each detachment. To ensure versatility, each detachment maintains other capabilities including,
Wind ensemble (Sydney detachment)
Concert band (Melbourne detachment)
Chamber ensembles
Jazz ensembles
Rock bands