Recorded at RAN Band Studios, Waterloo 2006
The Royal Australian Navy band plays an invaluable role in keeping Navy's image in the public consciousness and it maintains one of navy's most consistent and significant public engagement profiles.
The music on this compact disc represents the broad capabilities employed by the band and showcases the many very talented instrumentalists, soloists, vocalists and technicians who are engaged to promote the Royal Australian Navy.

The band comprises seven detachments positioned around Australia. Two detachments of full-time musician's are stationed at the naval establishments, HMAS Kuttabul, Potts point and HMAS Cerberus, Wesren Port. Five reserve detachments are stationed in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth.
In Australia each year, the band completes more than 500 missions with audience numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Importantly,the band is able to keep Navy's image alive in communities far removed from any naval presene.

Recording Engineers
PO Daniel Hobson
LS Grant Metcalfe
AB Luke Gilmour